Sunday, July 31, 2005


Friends are great. We have two very wonderful friends (Pam and Andrew) and I feel very blessed to have them in my life. I enjoy their company, their dog Abby, and just generally being around them. They're not only a lot of fun, but we're able to relate to one another on deeper levels and discuss issues we feel are important, or just laugh. They're in California visiting friends and family and I miss them. I hope they're having a fantastic time.

Pam being away from work this week will be good practice for me, because her last day of work is quickly approaching! I've very excited for her as she pursues her dreams, but will miss her smiling face at work, her cute clothing choices, and her laugh as we exchange silly SameTimes across the cubicle wall. I know she'll be a fabulous teacher and wish the best of luck at school.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Too hot, too cold

At work the temperatures are terribly cold. In the car and at home the temperatures are stifling hot, hot, hot. The thick air so oppressive that sweat immediately forms on my skin the moment the shower is turned off. Make-up melts as I attempt to apply it, or rather smear it, on my face. But, all better now. The HVAC received a visit from Mr. Fix-It who magically gave the beast what it hungered for: Freon. Yeah for Freon.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

House Hunting - kind of

The hubby and I are in active house hunting mode. We probably won't actually mortgage anything until April or so... but it's still exciting stuff. Can't wait to have a place and space of our own. Our very own private little paradise with doggie-dug holes and weeds galore. Then perhaps the "2-year" warnings and the "2008 is just around the corner" lectures will come to an end. Peace... sweet, blissful peace will hopefully be ours at long last.

O.k., I realize that owning a home comes not only with the big price tag of the mortgage but a slew of other issues that we'll need to contend with as well. I understand this and still welcome it. We're going to continue to make mistakes - that's what living and learning is all about. If we knew it all, we'd already have a place of our own.

Mean people suck

Jordan's at it again

The PEST, a.k.a. Jordan (our 8 month old cat), is always getting herself into and onto things. For instance she just knocked over the garbage can under my desk and crawled around in it. The other day she was climbing around my book case.

She seems to have no fears or worries of falling or of feeling pain. I wonder which life she is on? 4, 7, ???? I guess time will tell. I hope she sticks around for many years, hopefully by then she'll be better behaved.

Monday, July 04, 2005


This weekend we have had the pleasure of hanging out with Abby. She's very cute, fun, and has way more energy than any living creature ought to be allowed to have. She used to be submissive and flop down at the first sign of trouble. However, Abby has found her super-power: WATER! You get the dog wet and suddenly she turns into Super-Abby. She leaps tall bushes in a single bound, can run faster than a locomotive, and can lick sunscreen off your leg faster than you can slather it back on. Add a little water to Miss Abby and even Sass won't mess with her.

Yard Work

Well, they don't call "yard work" for nothing. I can barely move and while the yard does look a bit better.... there's still a long way to gooooooooooo.... it's never ending! I can't believe people actually enjoy this stuff. I like the finished product, only problem is it doesn't stay finished very long. The weeds come back, the grass grows, the dogs destroy that which we don't want desecrated and won't go near the parts of the yard we could care less about.

If we had a cute little California-sized yard it wouldn't be much of an issue. Unfortunately we have about 1.5 acres to maintain. It's a bit overwhelming for city folk like the hubby and me. Sure, the lush green trees, shrubs, plants, etc. are beautiful to look at, but preserving them in a natural, yet contained, state is time consuming and a Herculean like task. I really shouldn't complain so much, it's the poor hubby who does most of the work. He's the Mower Man, Trim Dude, and Wheel Barrow Buddy all in one!