Friday, October 21, 2011

I cannot live without my Kindle

Since getting my Kindle I've not been to a library in a long time.  The Kindle makes it so easy to obtain books, read them, and as an added bonus I never have to worry about returning them.  However, I find I still miss the library, yet I don't make time to go.

Growing up our local library was a huge part of my family's life.  We'd all walk to the library regularly.  And during summer break mom would take us every few days.  She had a big canvas bag and whatever she could comfortably carry in it is what we got to check out and enjoy.  Both my parents read to my brother and I often.  Reading is something that I still take great pleasure in today, as well as my brother and parents.

Just as Thomas Jefferson couldn't live without books, I cannot live without my Kindle.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The cat is crazy

Jordan just flew by.   I only saw a flash of black and white as she jetted over a basket, behind the couch, then she sprang up onto the couch and shot down the hall.  A moment later she returned to bang the cupboard doors.  She's feeling pretty frisky.  I've no idea why.  I thought she slept all day while I'm working, but I think perhaps she's into drugs.  Her eyes seem dilated.  She can't sit still.  Maybe she's possessed?  Oh wait, she's just a cat.  An annoying, loud, obnoxious cat.  I realize in the photo below she appears to be normal, but she's not. This picture lies.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sentimental Second Thoughts

I'm not a very sentimental person.  This was something I decided decades ago.  As a child I worried that if I really cared about something (a toy, an award, etc.) then what would I do if it were taken away or lost?  I figured if I didn't care about anything, then I couldn't get hurt.  For the most part this served me well.  However, I'm finding that when I look back on experiences, memories, photos... well, something seems to be missing.  Not sure what, but something.  Perhaps this is some crazy holiday induced worry, "I've not a tradition or keepsake in sight?!"  Maybe this thinking is something that comes with getting older.  Or maybe it's a side-effect of living in a consumerism society littered with Hallmark holidays.  Whatever it is, I've no idea what to do about it, if anything.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hey, that leaf has legs?!

I found this little fella hanging out on my gate.

I think he's smiling.

Or perhaps he's just happy to see me taking his picture and not squishin' him as I wont to do with most bugs.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Do you like cheese?

Friday morning I went all out cheesy with a song for my honey.  It went something like this:

I like cheese, oh yes I do, Especially when it's bleu
It's so darn yummy when it's in my tummy
Do you like cheese too?

Oooooh Roquefort 
Roquefort has such a silly name, but I like it all the same
It's do darn yummy when it's in my tummy
Oh Roquerfort is insane!

Oooooh Brick
Brick cheese is all the rage, it tastes better than sage
It's do darn yummy when it's in my tummy
Oh Brick cheese is what I crave!!!

We were both laughing so hard I was crying.  Good thing I've switched to waterproof mascara or I'd have been late to work!

Last night I asked the hubby, "do you have a favorite song of all them I've ever sung?"

"Yes, the bunny song."

"Really?  The 'quick like a bunny, hop, hop, hop' is your favorite?  Huh.  Ok."

I don't remember all of the little ditties I've created over the years so I'm going to do my best to post them here.  It's fun to look back to see what made us laugh so hard.

A more recent song I do recall, happened when we were packing for our road trip to Lake Tahoe.  We purchased from The Teaching Company / The Great Courses a CD set on the "Age of Henry VIII".   This resulted in the following song, which isn't very long:

Henry the 8th
Henry the 8th
Henry the 8th
He's now dead

I've not come up with any songs for today - yet.  I'm not sure if I'll give myself a break on the weekends and just put my amazing, mad, music skillz to the test on work days or if I'll attempt to do this daily.  We'll see.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hey you, yea you!

This morning's song  for my sweet hubby was short and simple:

Hey you, yea you!
I think you're great
We should go on a date
It'll be first rate
Don't be late
Oh yeah!

And there were awful dance moves (dare I even label it as such) to accompany this.  Like pointing at him for the "yea you!" part and a big ol' number one finger pointing up for "first rate" and of course the index finger wagging for "don't be late".  Good thing the hubby is easily amused early in the morning.

I wonder what I'll come up with for tomorrow.  Now that I've done this two days in a row I feel compelled to continue.  Fortunately I've set the standard very, very low.  This ensures I won't need to create any musical masterpieces, which is good considering I'm so musically challenged I can barely play the radio.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happier at work and even happier at home

Turns out a small attitude adjustment was not only in order, but possible.  I didn't like who I was at work. I was grumpy, complained about things I had no control over, and not very friendly or helpful to my co-workers.

A friend shared with me how much she enjoyed The Happiness Project so I figured I'd give it a shot.  It was just the thing to get me out of my funk.

I'm enjoying the book and all the wonderful stories and examples.  I'm applying many of the suggestions with great success.  I'm even singing to the hubby in the morning.  He claims to like my silly, made-up on the spot songs, which is good, because the songs are really bad.  Case in point, this is what he got this morning:

I love you, I love you

You're ok

I love you, I love you

Don't eat hay

I love you, I love you

That's your health tip of the daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

I love you!

I have no idea what I'll sing him tomorrow, but rest assured, it'll be cheesy.  At least this morning he smiled and laughed, and really, isn't that the way every morning should start?  

The work day went really well and I a lot of extra energy upon returning to my wonderful home.   I cleaned part of the garage, vacuumed the house, and made ten cards for Boss's Day.  Usually by the time I drag my butt through the door I don't have the energy to do much more than goof off on the internet.  And, as if all that weren't enough, the hubby mopped the kitchen floor!  Life is good.  

Sunday, October 09, 2011

For today, and today only....

I've realized that my home life is wonderful and for that I'm happy and grateful.  However, my work life is in need of an overhaul.  I created lots of bad habits - which were VERY easy to create.  I also kept blaming everyone else for my work unhappiness.  When I finally took a step back I realized, "dang it, I AM the reason I'm unhappy."  So, armed with good friends, "The Happiness Project" book, and an attitude of "I can be just as happy at work as I am at home" I'm now in the process of fulfilling this.

My new mantra is "for today and today only".  I figure if today, and today only, I smile more, complain less, then  I just might make it happen.  If today, and today only, I do this instead of that... etc. I'll likely be more successful at accomplishing my goals.

I put this into action a couple days ago at work.  For that day, and that day only, I attempted to be helpful to everyone who approached my desk.  For the most part it worked.  I think there were a few times I wasn't as helpful as I could have been, but recognizing that and being mindful of it helped keep in check.  By the end of the day I felt much better than I typically do come clock-out time (of course it was Friday, and looking forward to the weekend was probably a factor as well).  Anyway, Saturday went well and Sunday is off to great start too.

The true test will be tomorrow, MONDAY.  But for today, and today only, I'm focusing on Sunday.  I'll worry about Monday tomorrow.

Today I'm enjoying a cat snuggled up in my lap.  A happy husband in the kitchen chopping, slicing, and dicing fruit and food to enjoy later. Two sleepy dogs napping on the couch.  Soon I'll be enjoying Game Day at a friend's house, watching football, laughing and joking, and of course drinking beer!  What a way to enjoy today, and today only.