Monday, September 18, 2006

Busy Week

Tomorrow night I'll be attending a networking function for Antelope Valley Business Women. I had some business materials printed up so I could distribute them. I'm looking forward to making new contacts .

Wednesday I have a meeting regarding a parade Nov. 11th. I was asked to oversee and organize some of the people, tasks, events, and details leading up to the event and of course on the day of the parade too. This will be an interesting endeavor and a great opportunity to meet lots of interesting folks.

Thursday night the High Desert Toastmasters meeting will be held at my house since our usual meeting location is not available. My sweetie has volunteered to make chili and other goodies. Should be a lot of fun!

Friday a few of us are trying to coordinate efforts to go to Mojave to check out the Sept. 30th Contest location. I'm in charge of the breakfast fare. I want to see the space before the 30th because I'll only have a 1/2 hour to set up. I want to know the layout and what resources are available before the big day so I can better plan for it. I need to be there about 7:30 am as things will kick off around 8:00 am. Unfortunately this is about 45 minutes from home so that'll be an early morning for me and Erik. He volunteered to help out with that too, what a guy! He wants to make little baby quiches. Whatever makes him happy. I like his quiches so I'm sure they'll be a big hit at the contest.

On Saturday, the hubby's birthday, I'm competing in the Toastmater's A4 Area Contest for District 33. That's from 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm. My poor baby will be left alone for a few hours, but then once the contest is over, he'll be stuck with me again. He said he'd attend the contest, isn't he the best?! I told him he doesn't have to unless he really, really, REALLY wants to. It's his b-day after all he should do what he wants.

I'm also gathering supplies this week for the upcoming events. The more I can do ahead of time the better!


Pamela said...

I'm so excited for you Becky! You are definitely on the road to a fruitful career! I like your profile picture too. It's nice to see you again!

Anonymous said...

There's such a group?? Wow, you just got here and you're getting around more than I've been in four years, good job.

Becky said...

Yep, there's a Toastmasters club here (actually many clubs) and it has been a great opportunity for me to meet new people and improve my speaking skills.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know about the business women's group. Do they have a website?

Heck, I may have *reported* on it lo those many years ago, but filed it under "stuff other people do."

Becky said...

The Women's Business Network Mixer meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at:

Darla's Closet
Historic Old Towne Lancaster
647 West Lancaster Boulevard
Lancaster, California 93534
Phone: 661.949.1049

Anonymous said...

thanks! Wow, I didn't even know there was an "Historic Old Towne Lancaster".