Thursday, January 10, 2008

Herman's feeling better

Poor ol' Herman (all of 2 months old) was very, very ill. He kept giving me the Blue Screen of Death and just dying for no reason. We did some stuff (OK, the hubby worked most of the magic) and now Herman's back. I just hope he's here to stay. I don't want to lose everything AGAIN?! I didn't save much, but that's not the point. I was foolish enough to think that a new computer wouldn't crash 5+ plus times in just 10 weeks time. Very frustrating.

Now I know better. Well, knowing better and actually doing something with said knowledge are two very different beasts. I like to think I'll be more responsible this time around and back up my data, but lets face it, that's unlikely, I'm lazy!


Pamela said...

Glad to hear that you are up and running again!

Burt Likko said...

Not halfway as glad as I am!