Friday, January 25, 2008


My first winter in the AV was very dry, hardly any rain fell. This year there has been a steady supply of the wet stuff. Not the earth pounding sheets like we had in TN, but a soft, gentle falling of drops. It's quite pleasant. The nearby mountains have been generously sprinkled with snow, even the foothills, it seems, are receiving their fair share.

I HATE snow. However, even I must admit it is pretty on the mountains. I sure as heck don't want any of it creeping down to the streets I drive on. My experience is people don't drive very well in dry conditions, so wet rainy or snowy streets is just a wreck waiting to happen. Especially when people are sooooooooooooooo busy talking on their cell phone, or worse, texting while being inconvenienced with having to drive.

With all this rain I'm expecting a spectacular spring filled with poppies and other beautiful wild flowers. Last spring we drove out to a park to experience the local beauty of our environment, only to find a lot of dirt and three tiny poppies hanging on for dear life. The winds in the AV can be quite violent, ripping plants out of the ground and depositing them far, far away.

Looking forward to being overwhelmed by gorgeous orange expanses as far as the eye can see. Bring on spring, I'm ready for warmer days!

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