Saturday, May 17, 2008

Singing it loud and proud!

There are birds, lots and lots of birds! Singing, lots and lots of singing. I love it!

3:00 am outside there's a bird chirping. Even now at 5:31 am, while the sun still sleeps, my feathered friends converse.

It's so wonderful. When we lived in the McMansion with the bare backyard we didn't have these lovely songs. Our current yard is clearly very inviting! Lots of mature trees, shade, grass, dirt, apparently everything a bird could want. I think we should get a bird bath and maybe even a bird feeder or two. The hubby worries that the seed would spread across the yard, which it probably would, but big deal. Can't put a price on happy birdies!

The cats enjoy watching the birds through the windows. We don't allow them to go outside. Karma seems indifferent and Sassy loves to chase them when they land in the grass.

Me, I just treasure the music. is where I found the picture. Isn't it cute!

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