Sunday, November 02, 2008

Desert Rain, Weekend Thoughts

It rained most of yesterday, which was nice. The grass is all glistening and clean, which of course the dogs do not approve of.

Today the sun is back, which I'm all for! I don't mind a day or two of cloudy skies, but days, weeks, months of bleak, dark skies just puts me in a bummer mood.

Yesterday, to celebrate the rainy day, we had pajama day. It was fabulous. And, with Day Light Savings Time ending the extra hour of sleep was much appreciated. We even showered and managed to leave the house before 8:00 am?! On a Sunday?!

Hopefully the Packers beat the flaming thumbtack dudes, that would make this a perfect weekend.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Ahh the days of pajamas! I think that it's so cool that you guys do that. Maybe A and I can schedule one after he's finished with school. :)