Saturday, May 30, 2009

Darn Diet

I've been wanting to make more cupcakes... but now that hubby's on a diet it's just cruel to tempt him. Oh yeah, and I need to shed a few pounds too! Cutting down four trash containers worth of tree branches has helped, but I gotta keep up the exercise if I'm ever going to get rid of that last ten pounds.

I think I'll expand my baking horizon and try to make French bread or some other semi-healthy items to devour. The hubby asked me to make croissants, sure they're French, but I have no idea how that would be helpful to his diet goals as croissants require a ton of butter?! I LOVE croissants but as I understand it, they're a lot of work. Maybe I'll attempt this when I can actually move without moaning. Right now my my arms, legs, and back are sore, so I think I'll take it easy.

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