Saturday, February 18, 2006

Back-up Bread

Fortunately I had enough bananas to make two loaves. Normally I don't need back-up bread but Miss Sassy couldn't resist the beautifully baked loaf sitting upon the table. I had just finished eating a slice when I thought something might be up. Sure enough, there's Sassafras happily chowing down the goods. I tried to yell but instead fell into a fit of laughter. Thank goodness Erik was there to put an end to the bad doggie behavior. He even vacuumed up the few remains. What a sweetie! Meanwhile, Miss Karma sat idly by in the living room, watching Sass with longing and perhaps hoping that I'd let her clean up Sass's mess. Erik quickly ushered both animals outside and I started to clean up when Miss Jordan came out of hiding to feast on the fallen morsels. She scurried off when the vacuum emerged. The situation has been take care of, all four critters are sleeping in various rooms as if nothing had happened.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I have your recipe? I have some old bananas. I've never had it with craisins.