Thursday, February 09, 2006

So far it's all good

Liking the new job. Everyone is very nice and helpful. My boss is cool, patient, and understanding.

There's a couple other newbies - the receptionist started the day after I did and one of the lawyers I work for started several days before me, so we're all in the same boat. Most everyone else there has been there for years and years. Due to growth they hired us 3 new folk.

There's a great balance of personalities and most of us are anal and very organized (I'm in work heaven! They're organized! They have their act together!).

The work is fun and challenging. Once I'm familiar with all of the clients and their various cases it should be much easier. Right now I'm just trying to keep track of our largest client's cases. This particular client has what seems like thousands of different transactions taking place. It's probably only a hundred or so... but may as well be a million!

It's a relaxed, yet very professional, atmosphere. It's so nice to be autonomous again, to have flexibility with one's schedule, and to be treated as an adult. I'm so pleased. Each day when I get up I don't dread it, I don't wish it were 5:00 pm. Instead I'm excited to learn more and nurture the working relationships. This move has been so good for me!


Pamela said...

I am soo happy for you! It's nice to know that you are in a better enviornment now, and that all of your talent is being put to good use! I will call you soon to set up a coffee date. By the way, is your new job close to UT?

Burt Likko said...

This has been a long time coming, and I'm very happy for you.

Pamela said...

environment, I knew that the way I spelled it looked weird.

Becky said...

Yep, the new job is close to campus so coffee or lunch would be great!

Pamela said...
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Pamela said...

Thursday's are usually good for me. My last class is out @ 12:25PM. Maybe we can meet for lunch or something. How long is your break?

Becky said...

Thursdays are perfect. My lunch hour is from 12:30 - 1:30 pm. Do you know where the SoHo Cafe, Corky's, etc. is? I work very near to there. Or I can drive to campus and we can grab some lunch near there - if there is any parking to be had!

Pamela said...

Is that on the main strip? I think I know if it is.

Pamela said...

We could meet somewhere? That way whoever gets there first can grab a table so that we have more time to hang out. I know that there is a Chili's, McCalister's deli, the Sun Spot, and Mellow Mushroom.

Becky said...

Pam, I've never been to the Mellow Mushroom - is it any good? Want to meet there? Does 12:45 pm work for you?

Pamela said...

The mellow mushroom is good! It's a pizza joint but the food is killer. I will shoot for 12:45, it may take me a bit longer to walk to my car, but it shouldn't be much more than a few minutes. Let's go for it!

Pamela said...

actually, Becky, would you mind if we didn't eat pizza? Today I had some for the 3 time this week already. I think that I need a break. There is a place called the Sun Spot which is pretty cool?