Friday, July 14, 2006


My CA Driver's License arrived today. In Wisconsin, Missouri and Tennessee you get your license at the same time you apply for it. Only in CA do they mail it to you in 4-6 weeks. Fortunately it took less than 2 weeks, but all the same, it's weird that they mail them. I was told years ago when I first applied for my CA driver's license they mail them for safety purposes. I still haven't figured out how it's safer to mail me my ID than to just hand it to me in person. At least this time around I didn't have to hand over my TN license. Last time CA took my Missouri license so I had difficulty proving my identity. I couldn't open any bank accounts, use my credit cards, etc. It was very frustrating. But it's all past me now.


Salsola said...

I also seems to me California licenses are also more sturdy.

Becky said...

I haven't noticed a difference in the sturdiness of CA licenses over any of the other state licenses I've had. CA IDs are a bit more colorful though.