Sunday, November 12, 2006

Just some stuff

Last Sunday I started to feel very, very lethargic. I thought perhaps I was just relieved to have one commitment completed so I could focus on the next. However when Monday hit I realized that I had caught the little bug that was flying around the office. Yuck. I still had the parade to contend with and sure as hell didn't want to have to deal with a cold.

I started popping over the counter meds to help alleviate the symptoms and went to bed between 8:00 and 9:00 pm every night. That helped but then Saturday's parade just did me in. The parade committee leaders wanted all the volunteers to show up at 6:00 am. Mind you the parade wasn't scheduled to start until 9:00 am. Anyway, there I was waiting for sun to begin its rise at 6:00 am. Weather was chilly 30-40 degrees. I had on many layers but it was still $#!%$!# cold. Nothing happened until at least 7:00 am. So for an hour all us volunteers just stood around waiting... and waiting... and waiting... I won't bore you with all the details.

Today when I woke up I felt as I did last Monday. Great, another week of feeling like crap. At least this week my hours will return to part-time. Last week we were super busy so I was coming in early, staying late... This week I should be able to recoup much quicker - I hope!

But speaking of work... they like me. They really like me. I took on a part-time temporary job just for some extra holiday cash and well, it turned into permanent work. Apparently the big boss liked me so much he's willing to bring me on as a real employee so as not to lose me. How fabulous! That lifted my spirits a ton. I really enjoy the work and the people. And, the part-time hours really help with that, 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm! These hours still allow me time to enjoy the volunteer activities that keep piling up as well as other endeavors. Anyway, being a real employee gives the hubby and I some much needed health, vision and dental insurance among other things. Yeah for benefits!


Sheila Tone said...

Off-topic, but check out this site:

Someone told me she knew someone in Santa Clarita, last year, who got a job working for them as an organizer and made enough to quit her other job and do that full-time.

Sheila Tone said...

OK, I see the link doesn't work so just go to and click "about us," then there'll be a "Become a Designer" document to click on.

Sheila Tone said...

OK, I see the link doesn't work so just go to and click "about us," then there'll be a "Become a Designer" document to click on.

Becky said...

Excellent! Thanks for the info.