Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Kind Karma

While living in TN we adopted a sweet little doggie named Fran. Due to her good fortune and luck we re-named her Karma. This name is more appropriate than I ever imagined it would be. Unlike Sassy, who definitely lives up to her name, Karma is typically the patient, well mannered dog of the two.

Yesterday while putting her doggie beds in the guest room closet, her favorite little spot, Karma couldn't wait and was all over them before I could arrange them properly. A short while later I noticed Karma laying on the floor facing the dog bed with a look of longing in her eyes. "Karma, what the heck? Why aren't you ON your bed?" A quick glance into the closet and I had my answer: Jordan.

Jordan is our "Matrix Kitty" that literally will bounce all four paws off a hallway wall as she races towards insanity at speeds usually reserved for jets. Jordan was all curled up, happy as could be on Karma's bed and my darling little doggie didn't want to disturb her. That's just the way Karma is: good natured, patient (when food is NOT involved), and very loving. If only we could teach Sassy to be more like this!


Burt Likko said...

The downside is, Karma doesn't really play very well. She doesn't fetch the ball or the stick, and she doesn't know many tricks. But she's our little white cuddlebug all the same.

Pamela said...

Aww I miss her. :) (I miss you guys too by the way. :) )