Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Crazy About Cupcakes

Yesterday I visited the library and checked out a few books. Gotta have something to read at night before bed or I go crazy. Then, for fun, I checked out "Crazy About Cupcakes". A whole book dedicated to cupcakes, wow, what fun! The author, Krystina Castella, has tiered cupcakes. Dang, why didn't I think of that? Take a cupcake, and then put another cupcake on top of it, the fabulousness of this is just too much for my little brain to comprehend. Can't wait to try it out.

I'm sure if my hubby knew that taking a single cake decorating class would turn into an obsession he'd never have suggested it. Oh well, at least he gets to partake of the finished products - and the works in progress. Though, he usually will pass up the opportunity to lick the spoon of batter and wait for the actual item to be baked. I figure more for me! That's the second best part of baking - the batter!

I made these guys last night for fun. They're marbled cupcakes. What a pain in the @$$ these fellas are. Marbling within the cupcake liner isn't very easy. I think this works great for cakes, but for the little dudes, I'll just stick to a single batter type. There's one cupcake in the mix that is only yellow cake and just a dab of frosting because my one friend doesn't like chocolate?! I don't understand how that's possible, but hey, more chocolate for the rest of us. Some cupcakes have little bird nests with a single egg, and a few cupcakes just got an egg, while some are plain. Trying to please the masses.

Of course, I made these before I looked over the "Crazy About Cupcakes" book, because if I had, these little cakes would be tiered! Now I know for next time. Yeah, something new to try.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Man Becky, you are doing so well at this! All of the creations that you have posted are beautiful! I agree with you about the batter. That's part of why I bake in the first place!