Sunday, September 20, 2009

Access, 2007, the Final Frontier... well, not really

I'm taking an Access 2007 course at the local community college.  I'm rather impressed with the book, though I did NOT pay the $150 new book price.  I purchased an electronic copy for only $53 smack-a-roos.  The book is well written:  clear, easy to follow, great examples, and lots of pictures of "how to...",  who knew Microsoft had it in em?  The same appears to be true of the Excel 2007 book (which I also purchased an e-copy of).

Both Access and Excel have new features that the previous models do not.  Great features that I really like and are easy to use.  Of course, my employer still has 2003 for all Microsoft programs so these fabulous things I'm learning won't be of much use to me at work... yet.  I'm ever hopeful they'll upgrade.  If not, hopefully potential future employers have the newer programs.

My Saturday mornings are now all about homework.  And, I'm enjoying it?!  I guess that's a good thin.  I'm hoping by the end of the semester to know enough to create a Fantasy Football thingy for the hubby.  He's really into that stuff, and I figure, "hey, why not let Access do all the heavy lifting?  Import some data, run a few queries, and presto:  it'll spit out the names of who should be played that weekend."  And next year, hopefully this little database will assist him in drafting his team.  I don't pretend to understand all the ins and outs of this Fantasy Football stuff, but luckily I don't have to, that's they hubby's passion, I just want to put my schooling to good use.

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