Thursday, August 04, 2005

Closet Light

Well, if I show up at work wearing mis-matched clothes it's my closet's fault. The light in that tiny abyss takes F O R E V E R to come on... I'm sure the husband has noted in his blog somewhere that I'm rather impatient. It's true, I am. Very much so in fact.

I refuse to stand in the dark waiting for the light, so I flip the switch and walk away, go about doing something else, only to wander back near the closet later wondering why the heck the light is on... oh right, I turned it on because I needed or wanted something in there... but what? What could it be? Shoes? Shirt? Coat? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? I give up (remember, I'm impatient). Must not be important. Turn light off. Walk away. Remember what I need. Return to closet. Flip switch, refuse to stand in dark. Walk away. Wonder why light is on. It's a terrible, vicious cycle.

I'd use the oil lamp that was so very useful during the power outage, but fear that the cats and/or dogs will knock me down in the process and I'll set the place on fire. A flashlight could be the answer... but it's awkward holding it and trying to sort through clothes finding the pants that are too small, or the top that's in the dirty laundry, etc. So, instead I think I'll just move the floor lamp inside and use that. I'd ask the hubby to look at and assess possible solutions to this dilemma, however, read this and discover why that is not such a good idea. He may not be good with home projects, but damn my baby can write!

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