Friday, August 26, 2005

Work Sucks!

Each day I discover that I like my job less and less. In fact I hate it. It's not challenging, there are profound "what we have here is a failure to communicate" issues, the right hand doesn't realize there is a left hand, the left hand keeps falling asleep, the right leg was amputated, the left leg is broken, so we have no leg to stand on! Mostly we just sit it out and we don't even do that very well. Also, some of the people who work there seem to have NO aspirations, no dreams, no goals.... it's like a giant vortex for loosers. Have a dream? Don't worry the P-Factory will suck it right out of you! Have a goal, don't worry the P-Factory will put a quick end to it and you too will become a gray zombie-like teleservices rep. You too can be a phone monkey, you only need to know three simple phrases:

"Would you like to super-size that handle?"
"Need screws with that?"
"That's not my job." Then transfer the person to someone else.

Sounds glamorous you say? Exciting? You betcha! That's why our turnover rate is so high, so everyone can enjoy the fun of being chained to a phone. Call now, operators standing by to transfer you to someone who doesn't know how to spell their own name!
Sounds too good to be true - huh? But it isn't. Really. Unfortunately...


Burt Likko said...

It's not long for this world, sweetie.

Pamela said...

Yes, you'll be out in no time, and then you can laugh about how absurd the P-factory was!