Monday, September 12, 2005

Fusion - Not just for the super-smart anymore

Two weekends ago Erik and I went to lecture at the Rationalists of East TN (RET) and met many new and interesting folks. The RETs are of all ages and educational backgrounds. This past weekend we attended a party (Sat. night) and a book club meeting (Sun. night). After both events I felt completely energized and excited... it was incredible to be surrounded by such like-minded people. Granted, many different view points are represented which can lead to some pretty entertaining discussions. But anyway, what really knocked my socks off was meeting a physicist who explained some of what he did do which was fusion stuff. He drew a little diagram and explained it in such a simple, straightforward manner (I wish I could explain it as easily as him). Very cool. He's my new 2nd in line hero (after the hubby of course). The hubby and I invited him and the Mrs. over to dinner and I can't wait! There must be at least a 30 year age difference between us but when you're talking fusion - who cares?! It was awesome, I can't wait to learn more. Oh, and the Mrs. is also very cool, she works at a high school in the library. They both have sharp wit, which initially was very unexpected. They're grandparents right out of a Norman Rockwell painting!

We of course also like the professor and his wife - another RET couple who are also very cool and fun. We're in the process of setting up a dinner date with them too. It's wonderful to be able to interact with so many different people again. In CA we took it for granted. It has taken us almost a year to find friends (not including the super-duper Klickas of course!). We were considering moving back to CA... but we left there for a reason and at this point returning just isn't possible. Probably just as well.


Anonymous said...

Take good notes on the fusion discussion.

Becky said...

I'm planning on it! I'm hoping for some charts, graphs, maybe a 3-D replica made of mashed potatoes.

Who knew fusion was so awesome? Gosh and to think I was staring at the back of Stewart Schafer's head in science class when I could have been focusing on fusion! Damn his perfect, ever so slightly wavy hair that was never mussy (like mine). And he tried to cheated off me?! How did either of us pass?

Erik, no distracting me during Dinner-Fusion, o-tay?