Monday, September 26, 2005

Gotta be more specific

The hubby and I have been complaining about how much we'd love to be able to move back to Cali. How much we miss the weather (or rather lack thereof), wine tasting, Trader Joes, our friends, normal drivers, and streets laid out in an easy to follow grid pattern. Then, wouldn't you know it???? An opportunity comes our way. A job for Erik in Cali... in Lancaster. Lancaster is not a place either of us particularly like, but hey, it's NOT TN. So what to do? We want to move back, but not to Lancaster exactly. We were thinking of the Santa Barbara area, maybe San Diego, or way, while we're dreaming, why not San Louis Obispo - you know, places we'll never be able to afford. So, I guess the next time we dream of moving back West we need to be more specific, cause when you makes wishes and if they're not specific you'll get Lancaster.


Pamela said...

That is so awesome! Of course there is a part of me that would be so sad if you guys left, but also so happy for you! If you moved to San Diego, that would be awesome!!!!

Becky said...

Oh no need to worry! We're not going anywhere soon. I'm not leaving till I finish the Paralegal program and we're not in a position to be able to afford to actaully "move" all our crap, the critters, and the cars to Cali. Besides, with 2 dogs and 2 cats whose going to rent to us? And, with housing being as outrageous as it is in CA there's no way we can afford to buy our own abode. So, you'll be stuck with us for a while.

Burt Likko said...

I'm afraid my dear wife is right -- right now we can neither afford the cost of moving nor do we have any place to move to. I suppose that money will solve both these problems, and with the offer there would certainly be money to be had, but for the next few months it will not be a possibility. After that, well, I haven't ruled it out yet, despite the undesirable location. We've a lot of thinking to do.

Becky said...

Well, it's not really fair of me to lambaste Lancaster. It may not be top on the list of ideal places to live, but then again, neither is where we currently reside. Determining what is truly important (people, work, community, the critters, each other) needs to take center stage whereas exact location is more flexible and thus we should consider the positives that Lancaster has to offer. So much to consider!

Anonymous said...

Room for two more, honey. ;)

One ... of .. us ... one ... of ... us ...