Monday, December 24, 2007


I'm losing weight! Down at least 20+ pounds - woo hoo. I was really working at it, then I gave up, and now I'm just making better choices in general and it's working. Still seeing results without having to deprive myself of chocolate.

Made a ton of cards yesterday, some for gifts, many thank you cards, and I started my Valentine's Day cards. Too fun! Of course it took a lot of hand washing to rid my fingers of ink stains, but it's worth it. I even scanned in one card and uploaded it to I hope to add more card images. It'll be so handy to see what I've made for people in the past so I don't duplicate a card for them.

LIGHTING! The lighting dudes are here right now installing a fixture in the room we've deemed to be the dining area. There was no fixture so it was quite dark. We strung up some cute out-door lighting fixtures to add a little extra light, but it wasn't enough. So, for the Winter Solstice, the hubby is giving me light! I couldn't be happier. We enjoy playing board games and now we'll be able to read the Trivial Pursuit cards without all that annoying squinting.

Hubby. I'm fortunate to be able to spend my life with my best friend. He's sweet, thoughtful, funny, witty, charming, honest, loyal, and just plain fun to be around. I love ya darling!

Healthy critters. The girls all seem to be doing well. Perhaps Jordan is excelling at this? She's been getting into the cupboards, people food, cat food... As a result, she's been spending a lot of time in the clink. Poor kitty, if only she would behave.

Long 4-day weekends are good. Sleeping in is good. Chocolate is good.

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