Saturday, October 18, 2008

Paper #2

"Robert Hass in Sun Under Wood often uses simple, everyday scenes, yet his poems are artistically complex and rich with allusion and connection. Find two poems about mothers / motherhood written in English in the past 100 years and write an essay explaining why they fit especially well with the themes in Hass's book. Include the poems with the essay."

This is my next assignment. Seems pretty basic. Hopefully I can find a couple of poems that I understand. I'm sure I'll select something that I think is perfect, only to learn AFTER I've turned in my paper, that the poems weren't about mothers / motherhood or connected in any way to the themes in Hass's book, but instead about about alien space invaders that eat tiny tuna sandwiches with the crusts cut off and find them so terribly distasteful that they blow up the planet and whew, now I don't have to worry about my paper because I'll be space dust.

Is it really any wonder that I can't write a paper? Jeez with the attention span of a gnat I'm lucky I can even dress myself! Oh wait, I haven't, I'm still in my pj's and robe and red framed glasses.

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