Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dish pan hands

The dishwasher still isn't working.  The hubby called the repair place yesterday and was told the part should be in tomorrow or Monday... let's hope that's the case.  I've had it with doing dishes by hand.  The hubby tries to help out and do dishes but I'm anal and very particular about how dishes should be washed - scalding hot water, lots of soap, clean/new sponge.  I hate sponges, but since the husband is obsessed with them I relent, and we use sponges.  I buy them in bulk so that we're both, more or less, happy.  I'm also very particular about drying dishes and putting them away, but don't worry, I won't bore you with the banal details of my neurosis.

Anyway, my dishwasher woes have led to Thanksgiving day woes.  We were going to host it, then I asked my friends if we could have it at their house instead because the number of dirty dishes that would be generated in the making and eating of Thanksgiving dinner was making me break out in hives (well, almost).  Friends said, "sure, ok."  Then, the night before they call to say, "NO!  We're really, really, really looking forward to having Thanksgiving at YOUR house."  My reply, "fine, but we're eating off of plastic plates, drinking out of plastic cups, and using plastic forks, knives, and spoons."  GASP, a loud sigh, and other such noises emanated from my friend.  She was NOT pleased with this response and offered to do some of the dishes.  No dice, I'm way, way to abject to even consider such a thing.  The food will taste the same whether we eat it off fine china (which we don't own), everyday dishware (which we own two non-matching sets of) or lick it off the floor (though admittedly not nearly as comfortable as eating at the table).  If she wants to bring her own dishes she may, I'll even admire them kindly as I make a big show of eating off the plastic plates we purchased last night. 

Anyway, I at least have an amazing pumpkin pie I can devour to help console me.  Did I mention that the pie has a whole of of whiskey in it?  Oh, well, it does.  Almost enough to help me forget about that damn piece of useless equipment next to the sink.

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