Monday, November 09, 2009

Should I Stay or Sould I Go?

That's what my kidney wants to know.  I thought I was kickin' the little bugger out, but now I'm not so sure.  Turns out that little fella does a whole lot for me and hasn't once complained, about anything, ever. 

This is a huge commitment and one I'm having trouble making.  I want to help a friend, but I don't want to risk my health or go broke trying to get a CA kidney to a TN friend.   The more research I do, the more it freaks me out.  I've never had surgery (ok, except when they yanked out my wisdom teeth, but I got to keep my clothes and shoes on, so that doesn't count).  Being naked on a cold steel table gives me the heebie-jeebies.  The fact that there is very little data kept on living donors isn't comforting.  I don't know how much data and information I need to make an "informed" decision and if there ever could really be enough info, but what is available seems grossly inadequate. 

Seemed so easy when I first encountered this.  Friend needs kidney.  I have a kidney.  If only life was that simple.

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