Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Too many freakin' passwords!

I've got too many freakin' passwords and it's pissin' me off.

I was locked out of my work computer this morning because yesterday I received the official "time to change your password - AGAIN" message. So I did as directed and modified the stupid thing so I wouldn't forget it. However, there is a complex screen with 33 bazillion check boxes for various programs - some of which should be checked, some should not be, some are only checked on odd days, others on days when the moon is full, some boxes are checked when it's raining and more than 52 degrees Fahrenheit but less than 57 degrees ... I of course either checked one I wasn't supposed to or failed to uncheck a box. Who knows, hell who cares, all I know is that I had to call India to get the damn thing fixed because the computer was screaming "Denied! DENIED! No access for you foolish moron. That's right you're SOL, up the creek, fishing without a pole..."

This morning "Nikki" (a.k.a. Ms. India who selected an American name for idiots like me to be able to pronounce) got me all hooked up again, but it took over 30 minutes. Granted it was company time so no biggie but still annoying. Maybe next week when the same damn thing happens I'll get to speak to Rambo.

Anyway, just for work alone I have over 7 different passwords for various programs and network crap. In my personal life I can't even add up the number of passwords I have for everything from e-mail to Amazon.com to Travelocity to online banking, this blog, etc. etc..... the list is endless. And of course it never fails that each vendor/system has different password requirements so ONE master password just isn't possible. I realize having ONE master password pretty much defeats the purpose of having a password... but what good are all the dang passwords if I get locked out and can't access the junk I need?


Burt Likko said...

You should have a standard password "phrase" that you then vary for different vendors' requirements -- moving or repeating the numeric portion of the password, or spelling the alphabetical part backwards, or something like that. That at least will make your guessing games a little simpler. Just an idea.

Becky said...

Actually sweetie, I had employed your plan of using a standard password "phrase" that I vary and it finally caught up with me!

Andrew, I feel your "robot" pain. Working where we do, there is no way to avoid it. Must quit!

I can't wait to be human again.... hopefully soon. Must find a way out of the cubicle maze.

Salsola said...

You could write your passwords on a post-it note on your computer, sort of a quiet protest for all the passwords.