Sunday, May 07, 2006

Getting real

I've packed up more boxes. The house is getting bare. Right now it doesn't seem like we have a ton of stuff... but then again I haven't packed up the kitchen yet. Chef Boy E likes his toys and won't let me near the kitchen with any boxes, packing material or tape. Oh well... I'm sure it'll all get done eventually.

May is going to be a crazy month for me. We'll be leaving soon for a road trip to Wisconsin. When we get back I'll hop onto a plane to CA to look at housing options. The property management company we're working with does not rent sight unseen. Just as well, plus it gives me an opportunity to go to Cali and see my friends!!! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited. My old bosses are helping me out with shelter and transportation. I feel so fortunate to have these people in my life!

Once I return and unpack from Cali it'll be time to road trip it to D.C. I'm looking forward to it and I'm sure we'll have a great time.

May 30th - June 2nd I'm scheduled to work again at Corporate Interiors. I've worked there on two different occasions as a temp and have really enjoyed it. It's a wonderful place and the people are great.

June 3rd I'll need to go into super-drive and finish packing everything up so the truck will be all loaded up and ready to go once the ink dries on the closing documents on June 5th. Whew, I'm tried just thinking about it all!

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