Friday, June 30, 2006

Get that man a Klondike Bar

I don't know how he keeps doing it but every time a special event comes up (anniversary, birthday, etc.) the hubby presents me with a wonderful gift. Typically it is something that months and months ago I commented on. Like yesterday's birthday present was a kit that's organized for all my beading supplies, includes a special tray, and a zippered pouch for handy-dandy tools that he also procured: various pliers, wire cutters, etc.

I think we were living at The Estate (over 6 months ago!) when I mentioned that I sure could use a tray for beading. Then *poof* 2 houses later, 3 time zones ago, and many miles after the fact he hands me the perfect gift that he purchased just the day before. How does he do it? It's like he knows me, or he's just a really good listener or both?!

He also prepared a luscious dinner of my choosing: lemon crepes. His lemon crepes are the best on the planet, one of my very favorite dishes he makes. Though it’s a tough call since everything he makes is wonderful. I’m one lucky gal to be married to not only my best friend, but such an incredible human being. He listens, he understands, he’s patient, thoughtful, considerate, “Polite,” loving, kind, caring, sensitive, witty, charming, funny, adorable, and so much more.

Thank you sweetie for being you and for being in my life! I love you!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Paint Please

As the pictures below show the new place is in desperate need of some paint! All the walls are completely covered in the same color white as all purpose white flour. If you’re a baker this is great. However, if you like variety these plain walls can be oppressive. Hopefully someday when we can afford paint the owner/landlord will give us the go ahead to add a little life to these dull walls.

I’ve not included pictures of the offices, guest bath rooms, the laundry room, or the eat-in kitchen area. The offices are still works in progress. The bathrooms and laundry room are rather boring since they’re all monotone white, so I’ve not included them here. The eat-in kitchen just looks silly since the room is huge and our table is tiny in the room.

Pics of the New Place - Entry Way

Pics of the New Place - Living Room

Pics of the New Place - Guest Bed Room

Pics of the New Place - Family Room

Pics of the New Place - Kitchen

Pics of the New Place - Dining Room & Bar Area

Pics of the New Place - 2nd Floor Loft Area

Pics of the New Place - Master Bed Room

Pics of the New Place - Master Bath

Laundry Day

Thank goodness the second floor is open with a beautiful, long railing spreading out to the view below. Of course these days there isn’t much of a view since every inch of each handrail is covered with drying clothes. Hopefully soon we’ll have the dryer situation resolved, but until then I’ll save a little dough and hang everything out to dry. Fortunately in the dry desert heat most things dry rather quickly, allowing me to do several loads of laundry a day. Usually we don’t have a ton of articles to be laundered, but after the move there was a big pile of stuff needing to be washed and I just got so sick of looking at the growing pile at the end of the hallway. It’s down to a fraction of its original size. Soon I’ll be all caught up. I can’t wait.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Digging a hole to China

My sweet little Karma has a renewed interest to help her adjust to life in the desert. Hole digging. Not just small little holes to tuck a treat into, but BIG gapping holes that lead to homes of cute little critters that burrow into the earth. I haven’t seen the creature yet that Mz. Karma is after, but clearly the dog isn’t about to give up or give in until the whole back yard is destroyed.

Karma begs to go outside so she can dig and/or guard the hole. Sass on the other hand could care less and would much rather stay inside the cool air conditioned house. Sassy almost refuses to go near the patio doors for fear we’ll toss her fuzzy little butt outside. She got caught in the yard when the sprinklers went off. She was none too pleased about this. Karma on the other hand must be in doggy heaven each time the sprinklers go off: “Yeah! Now it’ll be even easier to get at my nemesis!” Thank goodness the carpet and floor tiles are “dirt” colored.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Can I get a working mail box key please?!

Tina, Home Builder Sales Representative: "Hi, how may I help you?” All eager and ready to sell me a new home!

Me: “Well, I’m hoping you can help me get my mail. I live at _____, just around the corner. I and my husband each have a key and we have tried EVERY mail box but our keys don’t open any of them. Here’s the culprit, does this look like the mail box keys you issue.”

“Hmm, yes, but it doesn’t work? Which house do you live in?”

I point it out on her map.

“Oh, yes, that used to be a different address number, then it changed, then I think it changed again, but now it’s what it is.”

“Right… um o.k. But, what mail box number am I? I’ve tried them all, our keys do not open any of them.”

“Really, goodness, that’s not good.”

“Nope, sure isn’t. So…”

“Well, you’ll need to contact the Post Office since they actually own the mail boxes. Our contact there is Candy, here’s her number.”

Tina hands me her business card with Candy’s number hand written on the back. I walk home. I try calling the number. NO answer. No voice mail. Nada. I give Erik the low down that night. The next day he gets through to Candy. Candy explains that we have mail box number 8. Eight is great, but only if the damn thing works. Candy goes on to explain that if that doesn’t do the trick have the home builder call her directly.

We try both number 8 mail boxes. Our keys don’t work in either. Several days later I contact the home builder and relive the saga. Nothing happens.

Two more days later I walk over to the sales office, again. I speak to a different Sales Rep. She says, “Sorry your key doesn’t work. You’ll have to contact the Post Office.”

“Right, already did that. I was here last week and spoke with Tina about this.”

“Tina now works at a different location.”

Bully for her. I want my freakin’ mail.

“How nice. Anyway, she gave a contact at the Post Office, Candy. My husband spoke to Candy and explained the issue. Candy told us mail box 8 was for our address. I’ve tried both number 8 mail boxes and neither of them open with this key. I spoke with Pat M. of Home Builders and he’s been wonderful, very helpful. He said he’d speak to someone in the office about this. I guess you since Tina is at a different location.”

"Yes, Pat is very nice. Hmm, well I'll call him."

No answer.

“I’ll continue to try Pat and find out from him what he knows, then I’ll call you. O.k.? What’s your number?”

I give her my number and walk home.

Short while later my phone rings. It’s the new Sales Rep. “I spoke to Pat. He asked where you got the keys from.”

“From my landlord. Mr. ______”

“Mr.___, how is that spelled?”

“Landlord, L-a-n-d-l-o-r-d.”

“Oh I don’t know who that is, he is not in our files.”

“O.k. try Mr. Other Landlord. O-t-h-e-r L-a-n-d-l-o-r-d.”

“Oh yes, he’s in our files. I will call him and ask if he knows who provided him with the mail box keys and why don’t you try Mr. Landlord. Hopefully between the two of them we’ll figure out where the keys came from.”

Swell, I get to add another person to this very exciting equation. How fun. Honestly I don’t care where the stupid keys came from, all I know is they don’t work. I want working keys.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

It's Good to be Home!

I'm so happy to be back in CA, though the time in Knoxhell sure helps me appreciate CA and the many things I missed (not in any particular order):

  • TJ's - Trader Joes, a unique grocery store as they call themselves
  • FatBurger
  • Abundance and variety of fresh produce
  • 2 hours or less from most anywhere I’d want to be – ocean, mountains, CA friends, culture, diversity of every kind: people, languages, food
  • LAX with its less expensive than Knoxhell and DIRECT flights all around the globe
  • Cheap gas prices... hey wait a minute, how that get on the list?

Anyway, the desert, thus far, is really pretty to me. I love how the Antelope Valley is surrounded by mountains. The various levels of terrain are just amazing. The dry weather on the other hand is not so amazing. But, thanks to TJ’s super wonderful tangerine sugar scrub my skin is smooth and silky soft.

I like the wind which rarely stops blowing, however, due to all the dust, dirt, sand, etc. I don’t dare open a window.

All Settled In

The ABF fella delivered our stuff last Wed. (6/14/06) late in the afternoon. We pack and load, ABF picks it up and delivers it. I was very pleased with the turn-around time for this. We arrived in Palmdale on 6/9/06 - early, so for all of our belongings to arrive in just 6 days is incredible. Especially when one considers that when we moved from Redondo Beach, CA to Knoxville, TN it took the moving company that we selected at that time OVER 7 weeks to deliver our possessions.

Unfortunately the ABF driver wasn't able to open the trailer so we could not get at our stuff. The loading ramp had jammed itself in such a manner as to make opening the trailer door more than 3 inches impossible. So there I was looking at boxes of our stuff so close............ and yet so far away. After about 45 minutes of manhandling the trailer door the ABF driver was able to enlist the help of a construction worker who is building other new homes in the neighborhood. Fortunately these two men together were able to dislodge the ramp enough to clear the door and thus provide me with access to crushed boxes, damaged furniture, scuffed and marked mattresses, sofas, etc. I asked the driver to please place the ramp in the garage. I knew I wouldn't be able to unload the trailer till the next day and I didn't want the same issue to reoccur in the morning. It's very windy in this part of the world. I didn't really think the wind would knock the trailer around enough to re-lodge the ramp again but why take the chance?

The next day 2 movers, Erik and I all unloaded the trailer in less than four hours time. Of course it probably would have taken even less time than that if Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest in Knoxville had loaded up the trailer properly. However, when reading isn't a priority or even possible I suppose it's very difficult to determine that boxes labeled "Books" should NOT be placed on top of boxes labeled "Fragile". How else would these braincases be able to determine that heavy items should not be placed atop light, fragile things? What? By picking up the box and figuring out, "hey, this one is heavy, but that one is light. Hmm, I wonder in what order I should stack these." In the house we had all the heavy boxes on the floor and lighter to lightest boxes stacked on top. Thus they took the top boxes off, carried them to the trailer, placed it on the floor and just reloaded everything opposite of how we had it. Brilliant!

Anyway, many crushed boxes and damaged belongings later our house looks like a home and everything is in its proper place. Well, almost everything. Currently the patio table is hanging out in the dining room with a table cloth adorning it to help to conceal the fact that it belongs out in the yard and not in a formal dining room. Since it is very, very light I don't wish to see the patio set flying about in the wind crashing into the house, or worse, into the dogs. So for the time being the empty dining room is less empty. The base for the patio set is helping my poor broken dresser to stand on its own 3 legs, since the 4th leg looks like it was twisted off, see pictures below:

Thursday we unloaded, Friday we put everything in place and broke down most of the boxes and bagged up much of the packing paper, Saturday we hung the pictures and broke down the rest of the boxes. By Sunday the house was pretty much finished but was still awaiting a few small details - like towel bars, toilet paper holders and shower curtain rods. The KB Homes dude stopped by Monday (6/19/06) and took care of these things so now our house is really done. Oh, well, uh, except for the dryer. We have an electric dryer and the hook up in the house is for gas! Hopefully soon we'll remedy this.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Thoughts on Road Trip

Day 1 - Road Trip to CA - Leave Knoxville at 2:00 pm EST.

Mile 79 this is boring.

Mile 137 still boring, except now I have to pee.

Mile 142 wow, this is going to be a really long trip. Crap, I have at least 3 more days of this.

Mile 159 I wonder if E's as bored as me? Hey I'm hungry.

Mile 199 wow TN has a lot of pretty trees. I like the trees and mountains. Pretty.

Mile 237 I'm hungry again.

Mile 301 I have to go to the bathroom again.

Mile 352 still bored, call Mom. We laugh about something but heck if I can remember what. I like talking to mom she's funny. I miss my mom. I hope she visits us in CA.

Mile 411 it's getting late. Wonder when we'll call it a night.

Mile 441 all done. Check in at Days Inn. Unpack, let critters loose in room, pray they don't destroy anything. Watch TV, nothing on. Continue to watch nothing on TV. E's pissed. Laptop has line on the screen from when he dropped it. I turn TV off and read Grimm's Fairy Tales to cheer myself up. Read "Goose Girl" story. Not very cheery reading. Sleep.

Sass's big wet nose wakes me several times before the sun makes an appearance. I try to ignore her she nudges the hubby. He gets up and feeds the dogs and takes them outside. He's a good man. I pet the kitties while waiting for hubby to return with the dogs. We all go back to sleep. Erik's phone rings at 8:00 am CST. E keeps his ringer on the loudest setting I've ever heard. Phone scares the bejesus out of me. Spend 20 minutes hyperventilating. VERY awake now and decide to shower. Eat "free" food in the lobby. I like Kellogg's Raisin Bran, good stuff. Return to room. E's teaching class online. I watch HGTV while packing up. We leave. So far we're both in better moods than the night before. We kiss, make up and apologize for being jerks to one another.

Day 2 - Leave Forrest City, Arkansas at 10:00 am CST.

Mile 462 notice Gentlemen's Club located next to a church. God does have a sense of humor! Who's a bigger gentleman than God? Hmm, hey what if churches and Adult Stores/Gentlemen's Clubs were to work together. Instead of trying to convince the parishioners that such places are evil churches could have these dens of debauchery in the basement. Slogans like "Our Angels are Heaven Sent" could be posted on billboards! The whole congregation could get involved. The choirs could provide live dancing music for the Angels. The little glasses used to serve the "blood of Christ" could double as shot glasses during non-church activities when the "guests" of the Angels want a drink. At Sunday school the lessons could involve washing the glasses while the story of how Jesus turned water into wine is told. The Angles could dance around poles in the shape of a cross.... wow, this could be really profitable! And the wives would be so happy that their husbands were spending soooooooooooooooooo much time at Church. The families of these churches would be so pleased that their daughters were spending their evenings at church instead of clubbing it and doing God only knows what in the back seat of some boy's car. I think this could really work.

Mile 478 worry that I'll be spending all of eternity in hell then remember that I'm an atheist. Whew that was close.

Mile 521 I'm hungry.

Mile 576 I have to pee.

Mile 599 I'm hungry and need to use the rest room again.

Mile 613 is this stupid rain ever gonna stop?

Mile 638 I can't see a damn thing, am I in a river? Are those tail lights or flotation devices in front of me?

Mile 742 rain finally stopped.

Mile 870 Oklahoma City sucks.

Mile 877 holly $#%! I have 4 flat tires? How the %$@!# did that happen? Oh wait, my tires are fine, Oklahoma has really, really crappy roads.

Mile 901 I'm hungry again. Hey look at all the pretty windmills. Oh no! That poor little fella over this is broken. All the other blades are slowly going around and around and around... but not him. Perhaps he's on strike? What's his cause? Is he just lazy? Perhaps he's one of those "original" types, gotta go against the grain, or in this case just not go at all. Silly windmill doesn't he realize how stupid he looks just standing still while all the others swing round' and round? Those windmills are mesmerizing... I could watch them all day... oh crap gotta watch the road. Nice road I see ya. Yes, yes I know the shoulder is not for driving on thanks for the friendly reminder. Oh no where did the windmills go? All gone. Boring landscape again. Better get used to it the pan handle of Texas SUCKS even more!

Mile 949 quitin' time. Woo hoo. Check into Ramada Inn in Clinton, Oklahoma. Let critters loose in room. Pray they don't destroy anything while we eat dinner at "Fat Cats" which is on the grounds of the hotel, very convenient. Think about going swimming in pool after dinner. Eat kid's grilled cheese sandwich and fried black olives with asiago cheese. Freakin' good little fried fellas. Restaurant cold, don't want to swim, just want to go outside where it's hot. Return to room. All critters and furniture accounted for and in same condition as when we left the room. I watch TV, E plays on computer. We're happy. No cross words exchanged today. Blog. Sleep.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Silly Sassy

Basket Cat

Are we almost there yet?

Today we'll finish up our packing. It's almost all done, just a few items: the computers, some lamps, cleaning supplies, etc. I can't wait to be done with TN. I'm not looking forward to all the driving... but once we're settled in CA it will all have been worth it. To the right is what I'll be looking at for at least 3 days. Glorious because it's not TN!

The house is a complete disaster right now but surprisingly enough I'm not freakin' out about it. I don't much like seeing the house like this but since it's temporary I'm dealing. Tomorrow it'll be very strange indeed as almost everything we own will be inside a truck and the house will be empty save for the pet stuff, an air mattress, E's lap top, and our suitcases!

DC Road Trip

Our motor west weekend was fun. We headed out mid-day on Thursday (5/25) and took our time enjoying some sights along the way. We visited Thomas Jefferson's home, the Monticello, located in Charlottesville, VA. It's beautiful, the house, the grounds, the gardens. We decided to skip the bus load of kids and instead walked from the parking area to the main house. The path was less than a mile, maybe only 1/2 a mile. It didn't take long and the weather was spectacular.

As we headed up the trail a small group of about 10-15 people, mostly pre-teen kids, were making their way down. Most of the youngsters were complaining about how tired they were from too much walking. They appeared healthy enough but perhaps they all enjoy indoor lives in front of screens either watching TV or playing video games or navigating the internet.

The Monticello is a large brick building that Jefferson designed and redesigned himself. It was one of his favorite projects. In fact he prided himself on being the author of the Declaration of Independence and the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, and as founder of the University of Virginia. This is what is noted on his tombstone, it doesn't mention the fact that was the third president of the United States.

From Charlottesville we headed to our friends home in Arlington. There we spent the weekend getting acquainted with the lovely 3, sorry almost 4, year old Princess Clare. An adorable child, but all the same, this weekend experience re-confirmed for me that a childless life is just what I need and want. Fortunately the hubby feels the same. We enjoyed Clare's company but being a parent 24/7 just isn't for us.

Friday night (5/26) we went to a baseball game. I was dreading it. I find baseball to usually be quite long, drawn out, boring, dull, loathsome, ... you get the idea. However the Nationals vs. Dodgers game was quite fun. I actually enjoyed myself more than I thought possible. Perhaps it was the great seats, perhaps it was the hot dog and Cracker Jacks? Either way, I think I enjoyed the game more than Erik and our friends. Amadie and Erik are Dodgers fans so the fact that the Nats squashed the Dods, 10/6, didn't help. Philip is a Cubs fan so he stuck by his wife and rooted for the Dods. Since I have no loyalty to any team I figured I'd root for the home team. Turns out that was a fun way to go.

Saturday was a blast. We had breakfast at the Market and walked around the flea market, arts & crafts booths, and then headed to the Zoo. D.C. has a very nice zoo and it's very pedestrian friendly. We spent most of the day walking which was great since most of May has been spent in either a car or plane seat. Amadie ran more than 7 miles before joining us for breakfast and then walked the zoo with us. She's my hero. Getting up before the sun, running around the city and then spending the rest of the day walking around with a 4 year old at the zoo... that requires super powers. I wouldn't even attempt such things, not even in my sleep.

Saturday night our hosts attended a wedding and the hubby and I headed to old town Arlington. Traffic was crazy. It was like a bunch of Tennessee folk had escaped through the Smokies and overtook Route 7. All of the traffic lights are on an alternating system so if one light is red, the next one will be green. However, once you get to the next light it switches back and you're stuck. Very little movement, just like I-40 by Papermill - minus lights and construction. It was very frustrating. However once the seven miles of Route 7 came to an end, 45-50 minute later, we parked and sought out food. We ate a very nice Tap Room. The grub was good. Since we were tired we called it an early night and headed back to our hosts home, via a different route, it took the same amount of time but at least we were moving.

Sunday, the 28th, Amadie, Philip and Clare attended a birthday party so Erik and I went to the mall to avoid any crowds. We really wanted to visit the memorials... but with it being Memorial Day Weekend and with Rolling Thunder in town we figured we skip the insanity and head to some nice air-conditioned, crowdless place.

Sunday evening we enjoyed a cookout on the back deck. The weather was nice and the kids played in the backyard. The food was good and a nice evening was had by all.

Monday morning we headed back to the land of horrible drivers. Once we crossed over from VA to TN we immediately noticed a downturn in road conditions and the very poor driving skillz of the locals. Those in the DC metro area drive aggressively, but at least they know what they're doing. TN drivers seem to think that God is watching over them and therefore anything they do behind the wheel of a huge hunk of metal is nothing they personally need to be concerned with since they're the just the co-pilot. Ugh. I won't miss TN drivers at all.

So, bad TN drivers aside, we had a great weekend in our Nation's capital. Thank you Amadie, Philip and Clare for welcoming us into your home. We hope you'll visit us in our new place in Cali so we can return the favor!