Friday, June 30, 2006

Get that man a Klondike Bar

I don't know how he keeps doing it but every time a special event comes up (anniversary, birthday, etc.) the hubby presents me with a wonderful gift. Typically it is something that months and months ago I commented on. Like yesterday's birthday present was a kit that's organized for all my beading supplies, includes a special tray, and a zippered pouch for handy-dandy tools that he also procured: various pliers, wire cutters, etc.

I think we were living at The Estate (over 6 months ago!) when I mentioned that I sure could use a tray for beading. Then *poof* 2 houses later, 3 time zones ago, and many miles after the fact he hands me the perfect gift that he purchased just the day before. How does he do it? It's like he knows me, or he's just a really good listener or both?!

He also prepared a luscious dinner of my choosing: lemon crepes. His lemon crepes are the best on the planet, one of my very favorite dishes he makes. Though it’s a tough call since everything he makes is wonderful. I’m one lucky gal to be married to not only my best friend, but such an incredible human being. He listens, he understands, he’s patient, thoughtful, considerate, “Polite,” loving, kind, caring, sensitive, witty, charming, funny, adorable, and so much more.

Thank you sweetie for being you and for being in my life! I love you!


Pamela said...

Happy Birthday Dear Becky! I sure do miss you!

Anonymous said...

Happy B-day Becky... sounds like hubby's a keeper!!!