Monday, June 26, 2006

Paint Please

As the pictures below show the new place is in desperate need of some paint! All the walls are completely covered in the same color white as all purpose white flour. If you’re a baker this is great. However, if you like variety these plain walls can be oppressive. Hopefully someday when we can afford paint the owner/landlord will give us the go ahead to add a little life to these dull walls.

I’ve not included pictures of the offices, guest bath rooms, the laundry room, or the eat-in kitchen area. The offices are still works in progress. The bathrooms and laundry room are rather boring since they’re all monotone white, so I’ve not included them here. The eat-in kitchen just looks silly since the room is huge and our table is tiny in the room.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

I think that the house is beautiful. I know what you mean thought about not being able to express yourself with paint. If the landlords don't let you paint, just's less work that you have to do!