Tuesday, June 20, 2006

It's Good to be Home!

I'm so happy to be back in CA, though the time in Knoxhell sure helps me appreciate CA and the many things I missed (not in any particular order):

  • TJ's - Trader Joes, a unique grocery store as they call themselves
  • FatBurger
  • Abundance and variety of fresh produce
  • 2 hours or less from most anywhere I’d want to be – ocean, mountains, CA friends, culture, diversity of every kind: people, languages, food
  • LAX with its less expensive than Knoxhell and DIRECT flights all around the globe
  • Cheap gas prices... hey wait a minute, how that get on the list?

Anyway, the desert, thus far, is really pretty to me. I love how the Antelope Valley is surrounded by mountains. The various levels of terrain are just amazing. The dry weather on the other hand is not so amazing. But, thanks to TJ’s super wonderful tangerine sugar scrub my skin is smooth and silky soft.

I like the wind which rarely stops blowing, however, due to all the dust, dirt, sand, etc. I don’t dare open a window.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

So, I need to get your address so that I can write to you. You can email it to me when you get a chance!!! I'm glad that you guys made it!!