Sunday, February 24, 2008

Math = Fun!

I wonder what the upcoming weeks will bring for me, but for now, I'm loving my Stats class. It's fun?! FUN?! Math fun. Crazy, never would have thought it possible. I blame the professor, it's his fault I like it. He's passionate about the subject matter and uses real life examples that I can truly relate to. He's just a happy fellow who seems to love teaching. His style of explaining and working out the problems is easy to follow, it makes perfect sense - even when I'm at home alone working on the problems!

Yesterday was the first of 10 quizzes. When I looked it over I realized, "Hey! I know this stuff?! Wow! I'm going to pass this quiz!" What a great feeling. I don't recall that ever happening in math before. Not even in elementary school with the "simple" stuff. Math has always been my worst subject. I managed to get by, but I didn't ever really understand or "get it" until now. As I live my life I'm finding that many of the things that teachers spat at me are finally coming together and forming a big picture that I can make sense of. As a child things were discussed and I just did what I had to get by. Now I enjoy it and "getting by" isn't good enough, I want to really understand it so I can apply it.

The world needs more Dr. Richard Siegers teaching math!

Math = fun. A crazy formula that I know finally believe!


Arnie said...

r =[1/(n-1)]*Σ{[(xi-x)/sx]*[(yi-y)/sy]}

Yes, I know its a bit trite, but funny too!!

Pamela said...

I am so happy that you are enjoying your class. It's amazing how exciting a truly passionate teacher can make any subject! Too bad Dr. Richard Siegers can't teach my theory class!!!

Anonymous said...

I had a science teacher in 7th grade who would say "Bald is beautiful and science is fun."

Becky said...

Your 7th grade teacher is right!