Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thinking good thoughts

I've been frustrated with a co-worker for some time. After looking at the situation from several different angles I've concluded that it's a waste of my time to be angry. I'm now thinking good thoughts. Instead of letting things get to me I'm focusing on what I do like about this person. The list is short, but I'm working on making it longer.


Pamela said...

You are so awesome Becky! I am inspired by your example of how to handle a difficult person. I seem to be surrounded by them, and need to learn to deal with trials as gracefully as you seem to be. Thank you.

Becky said...

You're too kind. It is YOUR example that I miss. I consider you my Spiritual guide and now that many miles part us, I find it takes me longer to figure things out (not good considering how impatient I am!).

When I get frustrated and angry I think, "What would Pam do?" I know you'd find the positive, the kind, the best in everyone. I try to do the same, but it is a constant struggle. I miss you, my friend, my guide.