Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Yesterday I found seven notebooks in the backyard. I looked them over and discovered that the fella that they belonged to took what appears to be excellent notes. He drew colored diagrams and has neat, precise handwriting. Fortunately he also had his name written on the covers of each notebook. I looked up the last name in the phone book and noticed two entries, the second was close by so I called that number first. A woman answered and seemed alarmed, or at the very least, curious as to who was calling for her son. I explained that I had his notebooks. "Oh thank God!" was her reply.

Evidently the young fellow set his backpack down and left it unattended for a moment. Someone stole it. Some of the contents ended up in my backyard. As to the backpack, text books and whatever else was contained within, I do not know what happened to those items. I just hope they're returned to the young man who owns them.

Mother and son arrived shortly after the phone call and retrieved the notebooks. They were both very relieved and grateful. I was just so pleased they were in the phone book! If someone had found my items I'd want them back. I was happy to have helped.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome. Great work B. I love the feeling of doing something nice for someone.