Monday, January 12, 2009

Baking Fool

This weekend I made from scratch a white cake with butter cream frosting, lemon blueberry almond nut cupcakes frosted with more of the butter cream frosting, and a banana nut, orange cranberry cake with a cream cheese frosting. As far as I know everything turned out great. Haven't tried the white cake yet as I'm saving that for Tuesday's cake decorating class.

I purchased a cake saver (huge plastic lidded dome thingy used to transport a cake). When I transferred the white caked from the cake decorating stand to the cake saver I fudged a few spots along the base of the cake. Not a big deal as I can fix it with frosting. However, I'm going to have to figure out a better way for future cakes. I should have used a cake plate/base thingy - I'm sure there's a technical name for it... but hey, I'm new to this stuff and have to figure it out as I go.

I'm just very pleased that thus far things are turning out great. It's a lot of fun baking and decorating. I just love that I get to create yummy things and then eat and/or share it with others. The best part is that it's all temporary. If I find I don't care for a particular flavor I'll make something different next time. The only lasting evidence of any of this are the tools of the trade and pictures (if I remember to take them!). Of course, the dinning room table is a disaster right now... gotta find a home for all my new toys. Can't stand it taking over the space.

This baking stuff is fun, fun, fun. I guess I'm fulfilling grandpa's destiny. Apparently he always wanted to decorate cakes, not sure why he never did, but I'll give it a shot in his honor. The only problem is what to do with all the baked goods? Can't possibly eat it all, nor do I want to. Hopefully the folks at work will enjoy it.

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