Sunday, January 04, 2009

Coffee Cake & Carpeting

This morning I was motivated; within an hour of waking I cleaned all three litter boxes, did a load of laundry, emptied and reloaded the dishwasher, made coffee and a coffee cake. I was very pleased with how the coffee cake turned out, having never made it before.

I was always fascinated by coffee cake as a child. I wasn't allowed coffee and cake was usually reserved for birthdays or other special occasions. However, coffee cake was something my paternal grandma always seemed to have on hand AND we were allowed to eat it! With "cake" in the name I just knew it had to be good and it was. I wondered if it had coffee in it and why did we only get to eat it at grandma's? Finally I reached adulthood and coffee is an option as is cake. Life is good and this morning's coffee cake just proved it.

Unfortunately the afternoon wasn't quite as good. The hubby and I tore out the carpeting, padding, and tack strip in the guest room. It only took several hours and was easier than I thought it would be. I had feared the worst, that the padding would be super-glued to the cement and impossible to remove, luckily that wasn't the case.

The cement floor is pretty ugly, but at least it doesn't have any cat piss or dog barf stains. Eventually we'll recover it with something more pleasing to the eye, probably a hardwood floor. I'd love cork, but since we don't use the guest all that much I'd rather put cork in the office/craft room where we could truly appreciate it. I like the look of bamboo and so does the hubby, so we'll probably go with that. If only flooring cost as much as coffee.

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