Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hey you, yea you!

This morning's song  for my sweet hubby was short and simple:

Hey you, yea you!
I think you're great
We should go on a date
It'll be first rate
Don't be late
Oh yeah!

And there were awful dance moves (dare I even label it as such) to accompany this.  Like pointing at him for the "yea you!" part and a big ol' number one finger pointing up for "first rate" and of course the index finger wagging for "don't be late".  Good thing the hubby is easily amused early in the morning.

I wonder what I'll come up with for tomorrow.  Now that I've done this two days in a row I feel compelled to continue.  Fortunately I've set the standard very, very low.  This ensures I won't need to create any musical masterpieces, which is good considering I'm so musically challenged I can barely play the radio.

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