Friday, October 21, 2011

I cannot live without my Kindle

Since getting my Kindle I've not been to a library in a long time.  The Kindle makes it so easy to obtain books, read them, and as an added bonus I never have to worry about returning them.  However, I find I still miss the library, yet I don't make time to go.

Growing up our local library was a huge part of my family's life.  We'd all walk to the library regularly.  And during summer break mom would take us every few days.  She had a big canvas bag and whatever she could comfortably carry in it is what we got to check out and enjoy.  Both my parents read to my brother and I often.  Reading is something that I still take great pleasure in today, as well as my brother and parents.

Just as Thomas Jefferson couldn't live without books, I cannot live without my Kindle.


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