Friday, October 28, 2005

Still no computer

I'm troubled by that fact the Geeks we handed over my computer too are still working on it! It's been over a week. Either it can't be fixed or they don't know what the hell they're doing. They claim their supplier doesn't have the motherboard. Whatever. Just fix the damn thing, let me pay for it, and give it back!

I've been using the hubby's computer and it just plain sucks. He has a funky egro keyboard. It's dark in the EZ and now it's chilly too. His desk is completely covered with piles of papers, notebooks, pens, photos, disks, Kleenex balancing precariously atop a pile of junk, etc. I'm a self-proclaimed neat freak, so writing a demand letter, client letter, and a legal memo is very unsettling in such an environment. All I want to do is straighten it up so I can lay out my books and resources... but alas, it is not my space, so I try to leave it as I found it (even though doing so goes against all I believe). Ugh, I want my $%@$%!@!# computer back!!!!!!

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Bring back the motherboard, bring back the motherboard!