Thursday, January 05, 2006

I Don't Want to Say Goodbye

For the past week my mom has been staying with the hubby and me. She's helped paint our new home, provided moral support, and has been a best friend.

When I was a child I NEVER considered her a friend - she was mean! But, fortunately for my mom and me adulthood allowed both of us to foster a new relationship that is based less on authority and more on mutual interests.

Don't get me wrong mom will always be a "mom" but now that I'm more grown up we're able to laugh and enjoy each other's company. Most of this past week all we did was laugh. I don't even recall what the hell was so funny but something sure was cause we were giggling constantly. I'm really going to miss that.

Painting the house isn't exactly the most exciting way to spend time but with mum it was certainly more enjoyable than if I had slapped paint on the walls all by my lonesome. We listened to Jack FM (which mom insists is JackAss FM), we frequented Dunkin' Donuts more often than my waistline approves of, zipped all around town locating the perfect drapes/curtains/rods/etc. for each room, and just had a whopper of a good time.

It was like the old days when I still lived in Wisconsin. She and I would either redecorate a room or two in her house or maybe jazz up my place. That's something we've both always enjoyed.

We both also like antiques so we visited the Dutch Valley Antique Mall and browsed up and down the numerous isles laughing, at what???? I haven't a clue but it sure was funny at the time!

Being off work was great but being off work and being able to spend that time with someone I truly love and respect was the best holiday gift I received.

I'm gonna miss ya mom and I don't want to say goodbye.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

It's so great that you and your mom were able to spend such quality time together. After I've spent time with my own mother, I always walk away feeling more confident about who I am. I think that I take something new away about where I came from.