Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Food for thought

Tonight the hubby and I started off our four day weekend by having dinner with good friends. I can't think of a better way to begin a holiday weekend. Tonight's meal included lots of laughter and some thought provoking ideas. It was an enlightening supper for me and I came away from the table with a full stomach and a head full of wonder. Are there really deeper meanings to peoples' actions? For instance we discussed movies and how directors don't just shoot movies and whatever happens happens. Scripts are written, action sequences planned, backdrops carefully selected, etc., etc. There's so much more to a movie than just the visual picture. Ok, I buy that. But people in general, when they do dumb things, why? Thrill seeking? Attention seeking? Latent homosexuality rearing its head?

If I accept that people do dumb things and that's just life... well, is that taking the easy way out? If I don't subscribe to such an ideology, then when people (myself included of course) do something stupid, then there's a deeper meaning, it was a purposeful action, it was intended - at least on some level. Well dang, then, that means I have to own up to my behavior. I need to take responsibility for my decisions and actions. Usually I wouldn't haven't it any other way. But sure, there are times when I'm just sick of being responsible, being dependable, and instead I just want to be reckless, crazy. Of course, such thinking can lead to some very unwanted and unthought of consequences, thus, better to be safe than sorry.

So, on days when I'm too tired to think things through, I can't take the easy way out. Why am I too tired? Did I stay up too late goofing off on the computer? Did I not get enough sleep because I was stressed about something at work? Is there something I did or did not do that I should have and that led to the stress? If so, back to square one. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Ugh. It seems like a vicious cycle. Be responsible, do the right thing, be accountable for your actions and lead a lovely life. Seems so very simple. I suppose it is... except for that nagging voice, "Hey, you don't ALWAYS have to be a goody-goody. Go on, have a little fun, go crazy!" I suppose that is what drugs and booze are for. "What? Me? No, I would NEVER do that, I was a little tipsy. Therefore it wasn't ME, it was the booze." "Huh? No, no, I didn't want anything to drink... but... everyone else was doing it, or so-and-so kept filling my glass...." So many excuses, so little time to use them all!

Well, I need not worry, it's not like I'm actually writing the words in this post. I had a drink at dinner, so whatever little letters are on this screen are a result of that.

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