Sunday, November 18, 2007

Pets / Pests?

Sometimes our pets are pests, other times (like when they're sleeping or at the groomers) they're just wonderful! I realize it's our fault for not being consistent and training them properly. However, with regards to the cats... I don't think there is much we can do.

Ginger is usually well behaved. Jordan, however, is a whole another issue. That cat is senseless and likes to demonstrate this on a regular basis. She's always getting into the cupboards and tearing apart various packages (walnuts, oatmeal, Splenda flavored coffee packets, etc.). The dogs think this is great and join in whenever they can. Usually Jordan, aka Pest-A-Roonie, does this while we're at work. I've asked the hubby to lock her up before he leaves, but he claims he can't find her. LAME excuse, I'm not buying it. That cat loves treats and all you need to do is shake the little kitty treat bag and she'll come running.

Well, as a solution the husband has slapped on some Velcro to the cabinets. He thinks this will keep her out. I hope he's right. Tomorrow will be test run number one. Cross those fingers!

1 comment:

Burt Likko said...

Ginger, at least, has a new hiding spot -- underneath the new kitchen island.