Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Accountability... why bother? A bail out is easier - all you need is an open hand and a private jet, or if your private jet attracts too much attention, drive a hybrid. Come on, gas is cheap. Not only can you afford to request a bail out, you'd be stupid not too!

Hey, Uncle Sam, when will you "Just Say No?"

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cake Decorating!

The hubby inquired as to if I'd enjoy cake decorating classes. I said, "You betcha! Sounds like fun!" But, it gets better. I mentioned this to a friend while we were shopping and asked if this was something she would be interested in. "Oh yeah, that would be great!" So, in two short weeks we'll be learning the ins and outs of frosting at our local JoAnn's. The classes are Tuesday evenings from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Gives us plenty of time to hook up for dinner before class.

I have a co-worker who loves pink cake/cupcakes, so I'm really looking forward to creating something really special for her. She and I both enjoy the blog CakeWrecks, which was the hubby's inspiration for the class as a gift to meeeeeeeee for the holidays. I laugh my little head off when I read that blog... good times. Hopefully I never see something I create on CakeWrecks, unless it's for the Sunday Sweets, whereby she posts pictures of amazing cakes that are NOT wrecks! Ha ha, as if. So I dream in sugar, let me enjoy this little fantasy as it's completely endorsed by the American Dental Association.

Friday, December 19, 2008

It's Melting!

The worst snow in over 20 years shut the city down on Wednesday. By the next day, most of it had melted - at least in my neighborhood. We ventured out last night, and just several miles away the snow seemed there to stay. Glad I don't live in the slightly higher elevation.

I'm done with snow. Sure it's pretty, but it's even prettier when it's on a postcard depicting some place I am not!

The branches in the backyard were touching the ground they were so heavy. The long willow branches were still a bright green, swaying in the breeze amid the white backdrop. I'll admit, that did look spectacular - but all the same, I'm glad most of it has melted. Of course now there is a little lake where our backyard used to be.

While the yard was blanketed with snow and branches bowing to the ground, lots of cool little alcoves were created that our doggies liked playing in and around. They HATE rain, but snow? Sure, snow's O.K. They willingly would go out into the white stuff, but not out into the rain?! Go figure.

I'm just glad it's melting. And, if I never see snow again that would make for a very Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

That's Art?

I grew up in a small Midwestern town, population at the time 2,939. Football was king and art was just something everyone had to take for one quarter a school year. I loved art, maybe because I was good at it - or at least my teacher thought so - maybe because it's such a personal and expressive experience. It seems anything can be art; basketballs floating in water, a dead bird attached to a painting, a canvas painted green, just solid green. With that said, art is apparently something you can't screw up. How fantastic! Of course, getting people to take your art seriously and to pay millions for it? That's a secret for just a select few to know and the rest of us to scratch our heads about.

While walking through the various exhibits at LAMCA I saw some pieces that resembled some of my earlier attempts to paint, my very unsuccessful, early attempts. It amazed me to see a painting, of what to me appeared to be a couple of ladies enjoying afternoon tea outdoors. The setting was lovely and it included a dog, what more could I ask for? The dog of course seems to be an extortionist. He was scratching his ear with a back leg in a manner I've never seen before. I have dogs, I've watched them so some pretty unusual and some very nasty things, but never witnessed anything like in the painting (and would prefer not do, as I'm sure if my dog could do that, she would need medical attention). Oh, and, one of the women at the tea party looked as if someone had just dragged her out a river, dried her off, and plopped her on a chair. Her body was facing the tea companion across the table, but her face was squared off toward the viewer of the piece. This made the face seem distorted and bloated in a bizarre and unpleasing way.

I recall painting in high school and sometimes my work had that unfortunate look about it and I tossed it out, frustrated that I couldn't paint. And, now, 15-20 years later something similar is hanging on a museum wall?! Crazy, not my idea of art, but then again, it doesn't have to be. That's the beauty of art, it lies within each of us to determine what is or is not art. No right, no wrong, just different interpretations and levels of appreciation. I look at that distorted painting of the ladies and the dog and think, "Abomination!" while someone else may exclaim, "Brilliant!"

There were some pieces that I truly enjoyed. It was wonderful to walk about and take note of different styles and find some that resonated with me, pieces I'd actually want on my wall (if I could afford them!). I'm so grateful to have had this experience. I usually sprint through museums while my hubby could spend what seems like hours studying a single item. Thus, we don't often go to museums together. My attention span is very short, his is not. However, part of what made this trip so magical was having a third party, an informed and trained, third party to guide us. She really made this so special. Her insight, knowledge of the pieces, the artists, the installations... wow! I actually want to go back and check it out again, see other exhibits we didn't make it to.

I remember that evening feeling so alive. Like I was part of some special club because I had experienced art, had glimpsed into another world, had new viewpoints to ponder.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Headless Bird Wonder

The other morning I let the dogs out, just as I always do, but this time they weren't at the door scratching to get back in. This worried me. The dogs rarely want to be outside for more than a few minutes.. I feared the worst, that they ran away. Sassy came a runnin' as soon as I turned the door knob, Karma however, was very busy. I went to see what she was up to. I didn't like what I discovered. Karma was munching on a headless bird that was also missing a wing. It was completely disgusting and not how I like to start my mornings. Ugh. But Karma was the happiest I've ever seen her. She did NOT want to give up her prize. She clamped down on that poor creature intending to never let go. Eventually she did of course, unwillingly. For the rest of the morning both dogs stared out the door, whimpering and whining. I refused them, mean mommy that I am. Luckily for me the dogs have a memory like an Etch A Sketch. If only I could erase from memory the sight of Karma chomping on that poor bird.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Thinking of you, wish you were here

I was contemplating if I should send our next door neighbors a postcard saying, "Thinking of you, wish you were here!" But, we finally got to chat a bit with them yesterday afternoon (after the tree hugging escapade). Haven't seen them in a while. They have three daughters in school with lots and lots of extracurricular activities, so getting together can sometimes be difficult. It seems they don't have anything planned for the 19th or 20th so hopefully we can get together then.

Saturday Night

Dinner with our friends was fabulous! My goodness, it was like going to Grandmas, the food just kept coming. Dish after dish was placed on the table. I was amazed at the variety offered as well as how wonderful each dish was. They're vegetarians so I figured, "oh pasta, I like pasta." Well, yes, there was pasta but also a berry appetizer, a couple different salads, a pizza type dish, out of this world potatoes, bread... there was so much I can't even remember it all. But wait, there's more! We took a little break to play a board game and then had dessert. And it happened again! Their gigantic dinning room table was covered with a bevy of spectacular desserts: lemon chiffon, apple pie, raspberry tarts, candy cane cookies, and probably some other options too, but even I, Ms.-I-love-dessert-more-than-life-itself, couldn't indulge in it all. I was defeated. It was a good defeat, one I'll cherish forever. It was a such an enjoyable evening I can't wait to do it again. The hubby and I were trying to figure out the proper waiting time before inviting them over again. We entertained them the week before, they invited us over this past weekend... next weekend would probably be too soon. And, now the holidays are quickly approaching. I fear we'll not get together until after the new year. Oh well, it'll be something worth looking forward to!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Tree Hugging

I don't know what the hell we were thinking. I climbed to a crook in the willow tree and pulled off some small dead branches. The hubby fetched a hand saw and I cut through a large branch, diameter about 10" inches or more. While hugging the tree I sawed away. Didn't take as long as I would have thought, but long enough. I'll be feeling that tomorrow! What possessed me into thinking, "yeah, I have what it takes to trim a willow tree! Let me at it!" Oh right, I looked out the window and saw the hubby with a ladder. "Hmm, no good can come from this. What is he doing?" I investigated and discovered that he was going to trim the tree with a borrowed tool from neighbor Dan. Why Dan ever thought we could be trusted with such a thing is beyond me. Not wanting the husband to hurt himself I said I'd *help*.

"Shall I dash inside, grab the cell phone and call 9-1-1 now or wait until you're injured?" I asked. "Gee, thanks for your vote of confidence." Hey, what can I say, I'm an optimist. Now it's true, my hubby is very gifted and talented, intelligent, witty, a wonderful provider, a great husband and my best friend - but a tree trimmer he is not. Nor am I. Fortunately our little foray into the unknown was without injury and we both escaped unharmed.

Hopefully the next time we get a bright idea to do something so stupid we'll think better of it and instead call a professional.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

There are others?

Saturday night we invited a couple over to enjoy a home cooked meal. (The hubby's home cooked meal.) Conversation was lively and fun, the food great, and it was a thoroughly wonderful evening. They've invited us into their home this coming Saturday and I'm very excited! It's great to know we're not the only ones our age that don't have children by choice. It's very hard to meet other couples without children. All of our friends have kids of varying ages and trying to have a conversation when kids are around is like trying to bake a 20 lb turkey in an Easy Bake Oven.