Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Headless Bird Wonder

The other morning I let the dogs out, just as I always do, but this time they weren't at the door scratching to get back in. This worried me. The dogs rarely want to be outside for more than a few minutes.. I feared the worst, that they ran away. Sassy came a runnin' as soon as I turned the door knob, Karma however, was very busy. I went to see what she was up to. I didn't like what I discovered. Karma was munching on a headless bird that was also missing a wing. It was completely disgusting and not how I like to start my mornings. Ugh. But Karma was the happiest I've ever seen her. She did NOT want to give up her prize. She clamped down on that poor creature intending to never let go. Eventually she did of course, unwillingly. For the rest of the morning both dogs stared out the door, whimpering and whining. I refused them, mean mommy that I am. Luckily for me the dogs have a memory like an Etch A Sketch. If only I could erase from memory the sight of Karma chomping on that poor bird.


Burt Likko said...

Oh, they remembered the bird for a while -- they wanted to go out for the whole period of time between when you left for work and when I did. They whined and pawed at the door. When the sun came out, I went out and looked for the bird's carcass and it was gone -- I can only assume that a scavenger like an owl came and took it. But the doggies snurfed and smelled and searched the whole yard and despite not ever finding the vanished bird, they had to be coaxed back inside.

Sheila Tone said...

Off-topic, you wouldn't happen to know where in the area I might be able to get citric acid (powdered) would you? How about beeswax? How about essential oils? I already tried Trader Joe's.

It is for crafts, so I thought you might know. :)

Becky said...

Beeswax is common and found at Joann's and Michael's in the candle /soap making isle. Same with essential oils. Citric acid... hmm, health food stores would probably carry it. The Whole Wheatery should have it, WinCo might, or possibly the "health food section" in Albertson's. Maybe Smart & Final? I've never need citric acid, so I'm not sure, but I've seen beeswax and essential oils at Joann's and Michael's. What are you making? Sounds like fun! I haven't made candles or soap in years.