Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cake Decorating!

The hubby inquired as to if I'd enjoy cake decorating classes. I said, "You betcha! Sounds like fun!" But, it gets better. I mentioned this to a friend while we were shopping and asked if this was something she would be interested in. "Oh yeah, that would be great!" So, in two short weeks we'll be learning the ins and outs of frosting at our local JoAnn's. The classes are Tuesday evenings from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Gives us plenty of time to hook up for dinner before class.

I have a co-worker who loves pink cake/cupcakes, so I'm really looking forward to creating something really special for her. She and I both enjoy the blog CakeWrecks, which was the hubby's inspiration for the class as a gift to meeeeeeeee for the holidays. I laugh my little head off when I read that blog... good times. Hopefully I never see something I create on CakeWrecks, unless it's for the Sunday Sweets, whereby she posts pictures of amazing cakes that are NOT wrecks! Ha ha, as if. So I dream in sugar, let me enjoy this little fantasy as it's completely endorsed by the American Dental Association.

1 comment:

Arnie said...

I enjoyed your reference to blog Cake Wrecks. Very funny!! Hope you enjoy the class!!