Friday, November 25, 2005

Good Time

Thanksgiving was wonderful. It was a simple celebration with good friends. Pam and Andrew blessed us with their enthusiasm for life and the laughter that comes from understanding another's struggles in dealing with everyday life.

While sharing memories of previous holidays and various family traditions we were all brought closer together by creating a special one-time practice. I'd love to spend everything Thanksgiving in this manner but one never knows what the upcoming year will bring.

Erik prepared and served an amazing meal of roasted turkey, loaded mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, and cranberry sauce all made from scratch. Pam brought a yam dish and hot apple cider. The carrot souffle I baked turned out great (whew!). There was Erik's "Thanksgiving Pie" of apples and cranberries, a pumpkin pie I threw together, and the hubby's ginger spiced whip cream to top them off.

Flavorful food, rich wine, and great friends ... I can't think of a better way to spend Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Thank you for an extraordinarily good time! You two are the best!