Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Write every day

I want to improve my writing. One way to do this is to write. A lot. At least every day. So, here I am writing. But more than just that I need to figure out what I want to write about, structure it appropriately, blah blah blah. As you can see, I'm not very good at this, but with time and practice I will get better.

Mr. Smarty Pants (a.k.a. the hubby) provided wonderful tips on improving my writing (noted above). So I am taking his advice and will attempt to write everyday. I have not decided if everyday when I write that it will be in this blog or if I will just keep a word diary. Guess it doesn't much matter which as long as I write.

I am concerned with how much I should write. I understand that it needs to be daily, but in what quantities? Of course quality is the goal, but isn't quantity a factor also? I guess I will figure it out as the process continues. It's probably more important that I just do it and let the little details work themselves out.

I have always enjoyed writing. It is such a fabulous creative process and a great outlet when I need or want to express myself. For over a decade and a half I have used writing as a tool of expression. During different stages I utilized other forms (painting, arts & crafts, sewing, crocheting, etc.), but writing is usually the most inexpensive and least messy.

Combining something I naturally enjoy with a needed and much desired work skill seems like a win-win. Granted legal writing has its own set of rules (keep sentences short, simple, active, relevant) compared to free-flow, stream of consciousness writing that I typically indulge in. It will be interesting trying something new with an old companion.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

I think that you should write whatever you want. Don't worry about rules. Someone just like you made all of the rules up. I say, feel free to break them!