Friday, November 18, 2005


You'd better believe it.

My best friend is
overtaxed. He's dejected. His work environment is languishing.

I just want him to be happy in his career and he isn't.

He is an attorney, not a fire-fighter.

His business management decisions are second-guessed by the man who relinquished this control.

Side rant: "He" is my husband! I can't just sit around saying, "Oh baby, I'm sorry that you work for such an @$$. Would you like another beer?" This is a nice short-term solution to an on-going problem. But we must get at the root. Tha'ts right, you've guessed it: Mr. Manic, The Great Man, Mr. Magic Beans, etc. Whatever his name, he's still a lunatic.

My husband is a counselor, not an explosives expert. Yet he must maneuver through numerous mine-fields without going "

Even if the boss respects my accomplished and successful husband, that's not reason enough for my confidant to continue to check himself into bedlam every day.

He went to law school, not medical school. No matter how much he learns about medicine through malpractice cases and consulting with medical experts he will never be able to help or address Mr. Madcap's many, many issues.

Yes, yes, I know this is a repeat of everything I wrote in response to the hubby's blog. I'm compelled to be redundant in the hopes that this message leaves it mark.

If my tone and words offend thee, good. They're meant to. This is a wake-up call.

Life should not be wasted on those who do not appreciate your talents and abilities.

Darling, you are capable of so much more than Mr. Rabid permits you to do. Your skillz (i.e. mad writing skillz, your social skillz, personnel skillz, damn, I could go on forever!) are not showcased or allowed to flourish.

You deserve more. You deserve to be recognized for all of your strengths and you deserve to be happy.

(Yo, this applies to the rest of ya'll that work for Mr. Magic Beans. You know who you are).

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