Friday, June 24, 2005

I'm still here... kind of

Unlike my prolific writing husband I can't seem to stay up late enough to write about how badly I'm doing in my Financial Accounting I class, or how stressed I am about it, how dull work is...

PeaPod (though I'm sure she spells it P-Pod) was on vacation this week. Hence the reason work was so dull. I missed you PeaPod!!!!

Jordan's a really cute kitty, but she's still a pain in the @$$! She likes to "help" me type and do my homework. Hey, maybe that's why I'm doing so poorly, it's all the cat's fault. Forget the lamo "my dog ate my homework" excuse.

My behind is getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger. I'm either going to have to buy new clothes or take drastic measures where my diet is concerned. Guess I'm going shopping!


Pamela said...

I missed you too Becky. Luckily, we will get to spend time together tommorow @ Dollywood!!

Burt Likko said...

I've got no problem with your behind. I'm checking it out behind your back all the time!

Becky said...

Perhaps you're too distracted by my ever increasing derrier to speak to me about silly little things like company coming over.