Friday, June 10, 2005

A New Day

This blogging stuff is interesting (now that I think I know what I'm doing... I hope). It's scary to think someone may stumble upon this, read it and think, "What a #!@(%) idiot!" - but hey, it's none of my business what others think of me, so I can't let that worry me.

I'm currently enrolled in Financial Accounting and it's very interesting (heck, I think that about every class I take!), but anyway, I can't seem to warp my brain around a few concepts. Hopefully soon they'll start to make sense and I'll have a better grasp of the basic principles that are the foundation for what I'm supposed to be learning.

Work is work... I muddle through each day wondering if I could do more, if I should do more, if maybe I am meant to be more than just a goon sitting in a cube answering calls and entering parts orders. I work for a great company with many wonderful opportunities... I just haven't figured out how to take advantage of these great options. I worry that perhaps I am getting too big for my own britches, that maybe I should just be content to have a job with super benefits... maybe I just think too much. Sleep, sleep is good. I should go to sleep and worry about it another time, like when I'm Queen of the universe and have nothing but time on my hands... then of course if I were Queen I highly doubt I'd still be sitting in a cube, thus my worries would quickly come to an end and I'd have new concerns to dwell upon, like gosh, didn't I ever learn proper grammar? Why do I write HUGE, ultra-long run-on sentences? Hmm, this needs pondering. Mrs. Mack, where are you now when I really need you? Meanest teacher I ever had, Mrs. Mack. But by golly I've not yet forgotten about you. Goodness what would you say about all of this? "To the back of the line!" that's what you'd say, "And don't come back until you've written something worth reading."

Good advice. Good night.


Burt Likko said...

It's the husband sounding off here. I think you're good for much more than what you're doing right now, honey. You don't want to be entering spare parts orders all your life. Let's get you that MBA and move your career forward!

Pamela said...

This is only the beginning for you.....the best is yet to come!

Becky said...

Thanks for your support and encouragement! I'm very blessed to be able to share my life with you all: Andrew the funny and fun guy, and your incredibly beautiful (inside and out) wife Pam, and of course my best buddy a.k.a. the Transplanted Lawyer.