Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Woebegone Toes

I realized to my horror today that I a need a pedicure. So, I removed the old, lackluster polish and began the great hot soak. Of course for the first 15 - 20 minutes I couldn't even put my toosties near the H2O for fear of scalding all skin right off the bone - which would then make a pedicure completely useless. I sat about, waiting for the water to cool, catching up on my friends' blogs. Then I became so engrossed in Andrew's blog that what I once considered to be my feet had mutated into giant prunes. Perhaps a 103+ year old can pull that look off, but alas, I can not. Now I wait and pray that my souls return to their former shape.

Goodness me, what color should my toe nails be? Red, pink, purple or blue? Oh wait, work will turn them blue for me. Gosh darn it's cold in my cubby hole. Apparently my employer feels that the colder it is inside the faster we parts-pushin' people will work. Whatever...

So, back to the color dilemma???? Oh what to do...

Hey, if opposites attract, then what would happen if a pessimist (who always sees the glass as half empty) and an optimist (who always sees the glass as half full) hooked up, would they cancel each other?

1 comment:

Pamela said...

You're toenails turned out great!