Thursday, April 27, 2006

L O N G afternoon

Today I temped at a prominent private school. The morning went by quickly enough. However, when I returned from lunch the computer timed out and being a temp I don't have the password.

I was there to ONLY answer the phone. I asked if there was any other work they would like me to do, "Nope, just answer the phone. Thanks." Swell. So, every 11 - 17 minutes - if I was lucky - the phone would ring and I would transfer the person to the extension of whoever they asked for, or, whoever I felt like transferring them too. Sometimes I got it right, sometimes I didn't. It wasn't intentional, the list of extensions they provided me was of the tiniest, microscopic print.

Anyway, there was nothing to do for 4.5 hours since I was shut in a tiny room all by lonesome. Sure, there were windows, and loud kids in the hall, and behind me was a window facing the parking lot so I could look at my car... sigh. But NO COMPUTER?! What kind of a cruel hell is that?

All there was to do was look at year books from 2005 back to 2000. Heck, all the students looked the same. Girls had long straight hair, boys had shaggy-dog hair. Why did they bother putting names near the pictures?

It was the longest, most boring afternoon in a long while. I couldn't even clean?! The place was orderly and tidy (thank goodness or I may have completely lost it). But again, NOTHING to do... and I get to do it all over again tomorrow. Ugh.

BUT, I have prepared for my day of torture. I've got some books I'll be taking with me, some sudoku puzzles and FOOD.

Lunch is at 11:00 am. That's too freaking early to be eating lunch. I'll not sit all afternoon listening to my stomach rumble in anger, no, I will take apple sauce, diced peaches, and chocolate to feed the hunger within.

Thank goodness that Mon. - Wed. of next week I get to work again at the place I temped at last week. It was FUN there. The people are really nice and they NEED my help. In fact they requested me!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a temp job from hell!

Becky said...

It was! Today was just as awful.

Hey, what's up with shutting down an entire lane of traffic just so parents can drop their brats off at school? This morning on my way the to the temp job from hell, Cedar Bluff was down to one lane and 73 year old Earl wearing a bright orange Sheriff's vest was directed. It took over five minutes to travel less than 1/4 of a mile?! Knoxhell is $%&@#^ up! I hate this place! Is it June 5th yet?

Anonymous said...

I know... D & I have been taking Lovell Rd down to Noth Peters because of all the work they have been doing. D say they are putting in a new sewer system, but I think they are just trying to piss people off.

How has the house selling going??

Becky said...

We sold the house in 5 days and the closing date is June 5th! Now we're just waiting to see if everything goes as planned, i.e.: buyer's financing comes through. The house passed the inspection just fine! So, far as I know there isn't anything else that would hold up the process.